
Friday, May 28, 2010

Colorado Wine Country (and fishing) - Grand Junction, CO - 5/28/10

In May of 2010, Michael, Mary Beth, Christi, and I had a wild idea to embark on a 3-day weekend mini-vacation to west CO in search of good wine and fish on the fly.  Vineyards and fly fishing?!?  Didn't take much convincing.

On day 1, we drove 1hr45min S.E. from Grand Junction to wade the waters of the Uncompahgre river.  This was the most beautiful part of Colorado I've seen to-date.  Ralph Lauren owns the land behind the stretch we fished, and after seeing it in person...I totally understand why.

I must say we look good, geeked out in fly fishing gear.

Nymph-Dropper was name of game.  Copper John (size 16) trailed by Bead Head Black Beauty (size 22)

Hare's Ear Nymph (size 18) trailed by Black Beauty (size 20)

 Fish ON.
Fish ON.  Who ever said fly fishing isn't a couples sport?
Michael's turn to net

 Fish ON.

 The owners of this vineyard are ex-aerospace engineers.  Mary Beth immediately fell in love with the place.

Underground cellar

A beaver seen at the Grand Mesa lakes area.

Making some high-altitude cobbler using the Jet burner stove.

WineOpoly:  a unique spin on one of my favorite board games

This is God's Country.