
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lily Lake - Estes Park, CO - 10/3/2010

Christi's Dad, Jim, came to visit as he drove through from Antelope hunting in Wyoming.  We decided to go hit a small lake in Estes Park in hopes of fooling a few on dry flies.  Imitation ants, beetles, and hoppers were the name of the game.  Sizes 14-20.  Bright appendages seemed to work best.  When cloud cover rolled over, the bite stopped.  As soon as the clouds moved, the bite was back on.  Wonderful weather and +35 native greenback cutthroat trout landed between Christi, Jim, and I.  Awesome day!  We were the only people on the water other than a family in a canoe.  Made for an exceptional outing.

Beatle - size 12-14

 Parachute Adams - Size 14-18

 One of Christi's many catches

After lunch, we spent a couple hours nymphing on the famed Big Thompson river in Estes Park.  Lots of deep pools and wide runs.  Lots of large fish.  We only had a few take, although it was a great stretch of water.  There was a heavy hatch going on but I couldn't figure out what type of flies were hatching.  They almost looked like small caddis.  Next year we'll need to bring a siene.

Bathing ducks continued to challenge us as obstacles.  I accidentally hooked one's leg with a dry fly and had to cut my line.

Cigars make for better fishing.
Jim landed the largest fish on the Big Thompson that day.  Too bad it was a CARP.  =)
Don't catch brown trout that often.  Cool colors

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